Welcome Back CDPA Dancers and Families!
And WELCOME to those who are new to our dance family.
We have had a busy summer with many experiences for our dancers both here and out of state. We are excited to kick off our 30th year with a great line up of classes and teachers! Please share our information with your school, neighbors and church friends and help us fill up our class rosters before the end of September. That gives us the best picture of how the year will unfold, and yes, it allows us to plan for year-end recital! In fact, we are already looking at costumes :) Thank you for your patience with the shift to our new registration and management platform, JackRabbit. If you formerly had a parent portal set up with us, you DO have to do it all over again with the new system. I am sorry but I do think it is going to be better in the long run. You will be able to pay from the portal. If you have a fee question or discount to be manually processed, you can leave it to be paid later, email us and we will let you know when you can go back in a pay. This will be the tricky part as we start the new dance year. Congratulations to our Scottish Highland dancers who traveled to Grandfather Mountain for the School of Scottish Arts and the Games in July! More on that to come but check out our FB page to see photos! The USIR which is our national championship event for Scottish Highland dancing came right on the heels of that event in Las Vegas. Our SE Reps were Elizabeth Karpov, Maggie Scott and Courtney McHale, and Kendall DeFranco attended the events as well and rounded out our beautiful choreography entry. It was an incredibly tough week of competitive events but our dancers not only rose to the occasion with excellence in their dancing but, more importantly, with graciousness and sportsmanship beyond their years. I never tire of watching them dance and grow through each experience. We welcome two new student teachers this year: Elizabeth Karpov and Ellie Smith will be joining Miss Anna as our student teacher staff. We welcome their energy and enthusiasm for dance and sharing their love with the young students at CDPA. You will see Miss Stevie at the front counter for easy questions and dancewear grab-n-go! On Tuesday, CDPA alumna, Jamie (Grant) Johnson will be opening up. Please do not plan to arrive at the studio before 3:30pm. I will arrive most days at 5pm. I am on the dance faculty of the Osceola County School of the Arts and will be coming from Kissimmee after our NEW release time of 4:10pm!! You are always welcome to email me directly at kwadance@gmail.com with questions and concerns. Using any other email may not get to me in a timely fashion. Please visit the website to stay up to date on things around the studio and follow us on our FB and Instagram pages as well! This year’s recital theme is, VISION 20/20 and we will be exploring the art of seeing, what it means to have vision, what we learn from hindsight, and how it all paves the way for the future we see ahead!