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Please print and color the attached files as many times as you like! Some have special instructions and you can watch for new uploads as we go!

Print and color at least one of these to keep handy as your NAME BADGE for roll call when you attend any of our online LIVE classes or ZOOM ROOMS!

Print, color and add designs of any kind to these beautiful pointe shoes! Then post your creation on our FB page. Find the TOPIC post and upload THERE as a REPLY. Feel free to add sparkles, words, use colored pens--this can even be a mixed media piece!

Love to Dance

Color this picture and have your mom or dad record you telling your teachers and friends what YOU, LOVE about dance!! We want to hear from you! Upload your recording to the CDPA Covid-19 Care and Connect FB page (private) as a REPLY to the TOPIC POST under CDPA Coloring Station!

Jump Up to Practice

How many jumps can you do without stopping and without losing your turnout?

Remember keep your DIAMOND shape!!

Color your page!

See how many jumps you can do!

Write your highest number of jumps on the paper and take a picture!

Post your picture with your coloring page and # of jumps on our CDPA Covid-19 Care and Connect FB page under CDPA Coloring Station


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